Tuesday 30 April 2013


Wow.. already on my third blog post and it's only been one day! Starting to love this blogging thing haha! I got very excited this morning as I saw i'd had 33 views.. seems like nothing but the thought that 33 people clicked on my blog...WOWZA!

Anyway I seem to ramble too much, this isn't the purpose of this post. I started this blog because it was something to do, and something that I actually really wanted to do, and I was hoping through this I could learn what I truly want to do. Well today I made a life decision and i've decided to blog/vlog the entire thing.. even if nobody is reading or watching it's still a nice way to capture memories.

Come September, i'll be stepping onto a flight to Australia.. the tickets are being booked next week, my entire family are going and they all have return tickets, but mine is just a single! How exciting?!?!

I think in life, i'm scared of independence because I don't want to make the wrong decision, I don't want to let people down or waste peoples time. I'm really scared for what the future holds but at the same time i've decided that you have to at least try, you have grab every opportunity that is given to you, and this is such a huge opportunity i'd be so stupid not to take it.

It would be horrible to come home from Australia and to say I did nothing when I was over there, but i'm determined not to let that happen, it's a long way to go and so I WILL return with something worth travelling for! I only have ideas to what I may do whilst im out there.. I don't even know how long that will be, but i'll be sure to keep you posted.

Cringey but true! 

To say i'm excited is an understatement! Excited to travel and to blog every moment of it.. hopefully someone will read this and decide to join me on my journey! Thanks to anyone who reads this.. Lily X


I have a spending problem.  I know lots of people say this and call themselves shopaholics, but I really cannot stop. Even when I have £0 to my name, I manage to find ways of buying things.. this sounds very dodgy, i don't mean i steal or anything, usually just an advance on pocket money, nothing too exciting.

I'm on a shopping ban, but then I went into selfridges to buy my best friend a birthday present, I came out with 5 beauties from mac (separate blog post to come) and 1 very luxurious item. I caved.. I bought the Tom Ford lipstick in Nude Vanille ...and I don't regret it for a second.

I'd seen this lipstick on Sunbeamsjess from youtube and my gosh did she look B-E-A-UTIFUL. I am a massive sucker for nude lipsticks, i think they're all gorgeous. I love MACs creme d'nude, myth and also topshops 'Nevada'. Although when i saw the price tag of the Tom Ford one, it was slightly less gorgeous, but shopping with my friend she convinced my to buy it, also the shop assistant was very pleasing to the eye and i felt like i couldn't say no to him!

Tom Ford lipstick in Nude Vanille.

This lipstick is not cheap, at £36 it's far from it. You could walk into topshop and buy a pair of jeans for the price of this lipstick (well us students can with student discount, yay college is good for one thing!). And I do admit that i'm sure a lot of this £36 goes on the very extravagant packaging.. I do love the packaging, I think it's soooo luxurious. I think it's rather beautiful and sexy, much like the shop assistant who served me. Although it is beautiful, it isn't the most practical. It's quite large and is very bulky and boxy which means on nights out and things and in small bags it isn't the best, but it's definitely something you can work around!

Onto the actual lipstick.. I love the formula of this lipstick, with a lot of nude lipsticks I find them very drying which can be so unattractive on the lips as it shows all the cracks and things! But I felt like this lipstick was really moisturising and didn't just sit on the lips and dry them out. Not only was it a pleasure to apply it and wear it, it also lasted a decent time too. I don't feel like I have to keep reapplying this lipstick every hour and even if it was fading and wearing off it was still a really nice colour.

The colour of this lipstick is quite a pinky nude, I also think it's quite a warm nude too. Unlike many nudes that I've seen it doesn't look like i've covered my lips in collection 2000s long lasting concealer or make me look dead. I think this lipstick is a really pretty, natural nudey pink, it wears really nicely and feels so nice on the lips.. it may not be worth £36 but i'm very glad I bought it and know for a fact I will be going back to Tom Ford very soon and looking at all the other fabulous colours they have to offer.

Swatched on my hand - I apologise the quality of this photo isn't great!

I don't regret buying this gorgeous lipstick for a second! You can buy this lipstick in Selfridges for £36 here.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you enjoyed this post.. Lily X

Monday 29 April 2013

Life Is The Question, But What Is MY Answer? 

...Hoping to find out after a blog post or two!

First blogpost, i'm not nervous to do this, just excited as i'm hoping this could give me some sort of an idea as to what I want to do in life.

 I'm 18 and currently in the last two months of my college life, i'm not doing very well at college, it started off well but slowly i lost all motivation and just couldn't be bothered anymore. My attendance is awful, my grades are no longer the best and my main problem is that I have no clue what i want to do when i get out of here. All, or most of my friends have some sort of a life plan.. most of them are taking the very obvious and clear route of uni, the route that most people take, the route that seems the right decision and if you chose to not take that route then you feel like you're going to be forever unemployed struggling through life. I wish I was suited to uni, or the academic life, it would make future decisions so much easier but i'm really not so i'd be fooling myself if decided to apply. 

I've sat down and thought about what I want to do with my life for hours. My parents seem to think i'm just being lazy and say I should get a job and maybe travel, travelling would be amazing and I probably will end up working for a while, but the idea of being stuck in a full time, boring job just seems so unbearable to me. I don't know what I want, i just know that I want a job that's going to make me happy, a job that I don't dread going to every morning. I've had quite a few part time jobs, some in hospitality and some in retail, none of these jobs worked out for me. I find it so hard sticking to stuff that i have no interest for.. but this is the trouble, i don't know what I have an interest for! 

The one thing that stands out to me as something which i LOVE to spend my time on is fashion, beauty, and everything that comes with this. I don't know if i'm any good at the whole fashion and make up thing, but at the same time who decides whether you're good at it? Who defines 'fashion' and who decides what is beautiful? My general motto is if you love it, then wear it. I spend so much of my life obsessing over so many beauty blogs, wishing I had these peoples lives and not because i sit there and think 'oh god they have such a perfect life!' because i'm not complaining about my life at all.. i love my life, but because i envy them for having a job like this. My absolute dream would be to sit down, write a blog, talk about what i've been buying and loving, I know it's a lot of hard work as is everything in life but that's the kind of hard work that would really pay off for me. 

It's currently 1.16am and I finally hit a wall in looking at what I want to do in life, I gave up googling uni courses, part time jobs, apprenticeships etc etc, i decided to stop googling 'what to do with my life' and i decided to just, well, do life. 

I know i'm not going to wake up tomorrow and be some world wide blogging hero, in fact 6 months down the line I probably won't have any views, but really, what have i got to lose? I've actually really enjoyed writing this all over the place, somewhat cringe worthy blog post and i'm hoping if i carry on doing this then maybe through the power of blogging i'll find myself having some sort of direction in life.. who knows. 

nobody knows what the future holds and that's why it's so exciting, I'm someone who spends a lot of time worrying and over thinking things, i'm excited to take a step back, chill out and just see where things go. 

I don't know what this blog is going to be, I think I just like the idea that it's somewhere I can share thoughts, on life in general and more specifically beauty&fashion because that is my true true passion. (sorry for the cringey rhyme) even if nobody is reading this, it still feels like someone is listening so it's a good vent shall we say. 

For once i'm not totally dreading the future, i'm kind of excited to see where it takes me. To anyone that reads this who may be feeling the same, you've got to just do what makes you happy and don't be scared of failure, because trying is a success it in itself. 

Time for bed xo